Alton Towers Resort launches “Ride before You Dine” corporate package incorporating exclusive hire of new attractions Galactica and the Rollercoaster Restaurant
It’s been a huge year already for Alton Towers Resort in terms of product development, who in the last two months have launched Galactica, the world’s first rollercoaster with fully-integrated virtual reality and the UK’s first ever Rollercoaster Restaurant, both of which are now available for standalone exclusive corporate hire, but can also be hired in conjunction with each other, in the brand new Ride before you Dine corporate package.
The Great Rollercoaster Bake Off
Inspired by the fantastic thrill rides at Alton Towers Resort combined with TV’s most famous baking contest, this epic team building challenge sees delegates don aprons and take baking to another level, competing to build the best rollercoaster themed cake, using only the utensils, ingredients and decorations supplied to them. The Resort has their very own answer to Paul Hollywood to judge the bakes, where points are awarded for originality, taste, presentation and creative flair. Not only does the challenge encourage delegates to think creatively, it also improves communication and collaboration within team, and teaches time management.
Final Countdown
Alton Towers Resort is home to Galactica, a first-of-its-kind ride which takes passengers into space and beyond through cutting edge virtual reality combined and perfectly synced with the movement of the rollercoaster. To mark the launch of the new attraction, the Resort has created a team building activity where delegates create their own rocket under timed conditions using the materials provided in their flight case, before launching it into the sky. Each team will be then judged on distance flown and the rocket design. A fantastic way to encourage teams to be resourceful and call on individual team member talents.
Human Rollercoaster
Alton Towers Resort like to take things to the next level, and their Human Rollercoaster teambuilding package is no exception, which sees teams create a rollercoaster out of their very own bodies. Teams will be given a few poles and T-bars to help them create a structure, and then be tested as balls are launched down the rollercoaster. Delegates will need to keep the rollercoaster intact long enough to get the balls to the end without dropping. If this activity doesn’t get delegates bonding and out of their comfort zones, we don’t know what does!
Alton Towers Resort are certainly standing true to their business with a twist ethos, as the new Ride before you Dine package launches delegates into outer space on a thrilling virtual reality space adventure on Galactica, where delegates will have free reign to ride multiple times without the need to queue, followed by a company dinner with a difference, taking over the Rollercoaster Restaurant, where dishes travel along spiraling rollercoaster track and loop-the-loops before landing at their tables.
As well as the Ride before you Dine package, which will incorporate the two new attractions, the Resort is also taking inspiration from both experiences with the launch of three new creative team building packages to break the ice on corporate away days and help delegates bond with their colleagues in three fun and fast paced challenges.
To book any of the new packages and exclusive hire visit 0871 702 7048 or email