Spring menu inspiration from Steve Morris at the National Memorial Arboretum
Beetroot Carpaccio, goats cheese, pistachio with honey & mint dressing
Coming out of the dark winter months and into spring, it’s the time to begin brightening up dishes and beetroot is a nutritional and vibrant option. Beetroot carpaccio is a firm favourite in our kitchen and is on our new Spring/Summer menus for Aspects at the National Memorial Arboretum.
I have been a lover of beetroot since my early years; helping my Granddad in the garden to grow it and in the kitchen with my Nan pickling it. Sunday afternoon teas in the summer were a treat; those legendary cheese and beetroot sandwiches! As I grew older, I discovered not only the common grown ‘purple’ beetroot we know and love, but red, golden and candy-striped.
Beetroot is also good for you; it has a high nutritional value, lots of folic acid, fibre, proteins and antioxidants. Delicious and sweet with amazing colours and a tender texture there are a myriad of ways to use it in the kitchen. My own favourite is this recipe, acquired from an Italian chef I worked with in Wales which I’ve tweaked here and there to add my own stamp on it. Beef carpaccio can be good – but this beetroot option is definitely an amazing alternative.
Serves: 12
Preparation time: 20 minutes
Cooking time: 40-50 minutes + cooling time
Course: Perfect as a summer starter
24 2-inch beets, trimmed
Olive Oil (for roasting)
1kg Goats Cheese Log
1 Beaten Egg
50g Crushed Pistachio Nuts
30g Diced Shallots
150ml Unseasoned Rice Vinegar
5g Chopped, Fresh Mint
115ml Extra Virgin Olive Oil (dressing)
10g Organic Honey
15g Chopped Fresh Chives
Micro Rocket and Micro Basil to Garnish
Salt & Pepper to Taste
Pre-heat oven to 180°C
Place each beetroot onto a piece of foil – enough to cover them individually. Season with salt, pepper and drizzle with olive oil. Wrap them tightly and then put then in the oven for 40 minutes
Bake until beets are tender when pierced with a fork. Unwrap and cool. If you’re not making the beetroot in advance, you’ll need to leave the oven on for the goats cheese later.
Take your goats cheese and slice into 12 even slices, we de-rind the goats cheese to leave the soft inside exposed.
Roll the circumference of each slice in beaten egg, then in pistachio nuts and place on a lined oven tray.
Carefully peel the beetroot and using a mandolin or knife, slice them very thinly. Place them onto your serving plates, slightly overlapping slices.
Sprinkle with shallot, season with salt and pepper
In a small bowl, whisk mint, 115ml Extra Virgin olive oil, honey and unseasoned rice vinegar in a bowl, season as required with salt and pepper.
Place your tray of goats cheese into the oven for 3 minutes.
Drizzle the dressing over the beetroot, sprinkle with chives, rocket and basil and then top with your warm goats cheese and serve.
If you prefer, you can make this recipe in advance by preparing the beetroots the day before and refrigerating overnight.
Vegan: Remove the goats cheese and add vegan parmesan shavings or pomegranate seed with orange segments. Substitute the honey for agave or maple syrup.
Steve Morris Event Chef – Aspects at the National Memorial Arboretum