Fenton Manor Sports Complex welcomes Europe Cup of Netball
The World Headquarters of the Corporate Cups and the Corporate Games is delighted to announce that the Europe Corporate Cup of Netball will be coming to the City of Stoke-On-Trent, United Kingdom as part of the European City of Sport festivities.
After fabulous experiences at great sporting venues across the world, this is your chance to see everything that the City of Stoke-on-Trent has to offer in addition to sampling one of the biggest and best indoor facilities in the country in Fenton Manor Sports Complex.
The Corporate Cups give players of all abilities, ages and gender the opportunity to sample everything that this famous City can offer.
Play women’s or mixed Netball with your colleagues and team mates in the historic heart of the UK.
Form your teams now and start planning for one of the best Netball experiences ever.
Enjoy the terrific atmosphere of the SuperCentre Celebration, the Grand Parade of Teams alongside competitors from the Europe Corporate Cup of Dragonboat Racing (that will take place on the same weekend), and the Closing Awards Celebration and After Party.
Reserve your place now for a memorable Netball experience.
Win and display one of the many great Corporate Awards from this fantastic Netball festival for the everyday player.
Regardless of your success, your team will take home the longest of lasting memories of an outstanding sports experience.
Don’t miss this lifetime chance to be part of the Europe Corporate Cup of Netball.
To find out more or to enter a team visit http://europecorporatecup.com/Netball/index.html